Sunday 28 February 2010

4/30: anindyee dhar

On February 15, 2010, two days after the blast, I came home from college and picked up the newspaper to see what condition our city was in.

I was mortified to read about the death of my classmate, Anindyee Dhar. We both studied in Fergusson College in the evenings and attended photography classes. She was a very bright girl, full of curiosity and questions about life. Anindyee brought out the spirit in our class, and was a friend to all of us.

May her soul rest in peace, and we (the Fergusson College photography class) give our condolences to the Dhar family. I was her classmate and this is what I observed of Anindyee. She was a fun loving, happy girl who made the most of being, studious.

She balanced extra-curricular activities along with her studies. Sometimes, Anindyee helped me in my studies. She was always curious and wanted to learn more. She was never afraid of asking questions in class whether the question was silly or not.

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